Put together rational spline
rp = rpmak(breaks,coefs)
rp = rpmak(breaks,coefs,d)
rs = rsmak(knots,coefs)
= rsmak(shape,parameters)
Both rpmak
and rsmak
put together a rational spline from minimal information. rsmak
also equipped to provide rational splines that describe standard geometric shapes. A
rational spline must be scalar- or vector-valued.
rp = rpmak(breaks,coefs)
has the same
effect as the command ppmak(breaks, coefs)
except that the
resulting ppform is tagged as a rational spline, i.e., as a rpform.
To describe what this means, let R be the piecewise-polynomial
put together by the command ppmak(breaks,coefs)
, and let
r(x) =
be the rational spline put together by the command
. If v
is the value of
R at x, then
is the value of r at
x. In other words, R(x)
Correspondingly, the dimension of the target of r is one less
than the dimension of the target of R. In particular, the
dimension (of the target) of R must be at least 2, i.e., the
coefficients specified by coefs
must be
-vectors with d
> 1. See
for how the input arrays
and coefs
are being interpreted,
hence how they are to be specified in order to produce a particular
rp = rpmak(breaks,coefs,d)
has the same
effect as ppmak(breaks,coefs,d+1)
, except that the resulting
ppform is tagged as being a rpform. Note that the desire to have that optional third
argument specify the dimension of the target requires different values for it in
and ppmak
for the same coefficient
array coefs
has the same
effect as ppmak(breaks,coefs,sizec)
except that the resulting
ppform is tagged as being a rpform, and the target dimension is taken to be
rs = rsmak(knots,coefs)
is similarly
related to spmak(knots,coefs)
, and
. In particular,
puts together a rational spline in B-form,
i.e., it provides a rBform. See spmak
for how the input arrays
and coefs
are being interpreted,
hence how they are to be specified in order to produce a particular
= rsmak(shape,parameters)
provides a
rational spline in rBform that describes the shape being specified by the character
vector shape
and the optional additional
. Specific choices are:
rsmak('arc',radius,center,[alpha,beta]) rsmak('circle',radius,center) rsmak('cone',radius,halfheight) rsmak('cylinder',radius,height) rsmak('southcap',radius,center) rsmak('torus',radius,ratio)
with 1
the default value for radius
and height
, and the origin the
default for center
, and the arc running through all the angles
from alpha
to beta
(default is
), and the cone, cylinder, and torus centered at
the origin with their major circle in the (x,y)-plane, and the minor circle of the
torus having radius radius*ratio
, the default for
being 1/3
From these, one may generate related shapes by affine transformations, with the
help of fncmb
All fn...
commands except fnint
, fndir
can handle rational
The commands
runges = rsmak([-5 -5 -5 5 5 5],[1 1 1; 26 -24 26]); rungep = rpmak([-5 5],[0 0 1; 1 -10 26],1);
both provide a description of the rational polynomial
r(x) =
1/(x2 + 1) on the interval [-5 ..
5]. However, outside the interval [-5 .. 5], the function given by
is zero, while the rational spline given by
agrees with
1/(x2 + 1) for every
The figure of a rotated cone is generated by the commands
fnplt(fncmb(rsmak('cone',1,2),[0 0 -1;0 1 0;1 0 0])) axis equal, axis off, shading interp
A Rotated Cone Given by a Rational Quadratic Spline
A Helix, showing a helix with several windings, is generated by the commands
arc = rsmak('arc',2,[1;-1],[0 7.3*pi]); [knots,c] = fnbrk(arc,'k','c'); helix = rsmak(knots, [c(1:2,:);aveknt(knots,3).*c(3,:); c(3,:)]); fnplt(helix)
A Helix
For further illustrated examples, see NURBS and Other Rational Splines