Plot function
plots the
function in f
on its basic interval.
If f is univariate, then:
If f is scalar-valued, fnplt
plots the graph of f.
If f is 2-vector-valued, fnplt
plots the planar curve.
If f is d-vector-valued with
d > 2, fnplt
plots the
space curve given by the first three components of
If f is bivariate, then:
If f is a function of more than two variables, then
plots the bivariate function, obtained by choosing
the midpoint of the basic interval in each of the variables other than the first
The basic interval for f in B-form is the interval
containing all the knots. This means that
f is sure to vanish at the endpoints of the basic
interval unless the first and the last knot are both of full
multiplicity k, with k the order
of the spline f. Failure to have such full
multiplicity is particularly annoying when f is a
spline curve, since the plot of that curve as produced by
is then bound to start and finish at the
origin, regardless of what the curve might otherwise do.
Further, since B-splines are zero outside their support, any function in B-form is zero outside the basic interval of its form. This is very much in contrast to a function in ppform whose values outside the basic interval of the form are given by the extension of its leftmost, respectively rightmost, polynomial piece.
permits you to modify the plotting by the specification of additional input
arguments. You can place these arguments in whatever order you like, from the
following list:f
A character vector that specifies a plotting
symbol, such as '-.'
or '*'
; the
default is '-'
A scalar to specify the linewidth; the default
value is 1
A character vector that starts with the letter
to indicate that any jump in the
univariate function being plotted appears as a
jump. The default is to fill in any jump by a (near-)vertical
A vector of the form [a,b]
, to
indicate the interval over which to plot the
function in f
. If
the function in f
is m-variate,
then this optional argument must be a cell array whose ith entry
specifies the interval over which the ith argument is
to vary. In effect, for this arg
, the command
has the same effect as the
command fnplt(fnbrk(f,arg),...)
. The default is the
basic interval of f
An empty matrix or character vector, to indicate use of default(s). This option is useful when your particular choice depends on some other variables.
The fnplt
functions generates a vector x
evaluation points by the union of:
101 equally spaced sites filling out the plotting interval
Any breakpoints in the plotting interval.
Then fnplt
evaluates the univariate function
f described by f
at these
evaluation points. If f is real-valued,
it plots the points
(x,f(x)). If
f is vector-valued, it plots the first two or three
components of f(x).
The bivariate function f described by f
evaluated on a 51-by-51 uniform grid if f is scalar-valued or
d-vector-valued with d > 2 and the
result plotted by surf
. In the contrary case,
f is evaluated along the meshlines of a 11-by-11 grid, and
the resulting planar curves are plotted.