Scattered translates collocation matrix
colmat = stcol(centers,x,type)
colmat = stcol(...,'tr')
colmat = stcol(centers,x,type)
is the
matrix whose (i
)th entry is
with the bivariate functions ψj and the
number n
depending on the centers
and the
character vector type
, as detailed in the description of
and x
must be matrices with the same
number of rows.
The default for type
is the character vector
, and for this default, n
, and the functions
ψj are given by
with ψ the thin-plate spline basis function
and with |x| denoting the Euclidean norm of the vector x.
See stmak
for a description of
other possible values for type
The matrix colmat
is the coefficient matrix in the linear
that the coefficients aj of the function
f =
must satisfy in order that f interpolate the value
yi at the site
, all i
colmat = stcol(...,'tr')
returns the
transpose of the matrix returned by stcol(...)
Example 1. The following evaluates and plots the function
on a regular mesh, with ψ the above thin-plate basis function, and with c1, c2, c3 three points on the unit circle; see the figure below.
a = [0,2/3*pi,4/3*pi]; centers = [cos(a), 0; sin(a), 0]; [xx,yy] = ndgrid(linspace(-2,2,45)); xy = [xx(:) yy(:)].'; coefs = [1 1 1 -3.5]; zz = reshape( coefs*stcol(centers,xy,'tr') , size(xx)); surf(xx,yy,zz), view([240,15]), axis off
Example 2. The following also evaluates, on the same mesh, and plots the length of the gradient of the function in Example 1.
zz = reshape( sqrt(... ([coefs,0]*stcol(centers,xy,'tp10','tr')).^2 + ... ([coefs,0]*stcol(centers,xy,'tr','tp01')).^2), size(xx)); figure, surf(xx,yy,zz), view([220,-15]), axis off