Locate sites with respect to mesh sites
pointer = sorted(meshsites,sites)
Various commands in this toolbox need to determine the index j
for which a given x lies in the interval
+ 1], with (ti) a given
nondecreasing sequence, e.g., a knot sequence. This job is done by
in the following fashion.
pointer = sorted(meshsites,sites)
is the
integer row vector whose j
-th entry equals the number of entries
in meshsites
that are ≤ ssites(j)
, with
the vector sort(sites)
. Thus, if both meshsites
and sites
are nondecreasing, then
meshsites(pointer(j)) ≤ sites(j) < meshsites(pointer(j)+1)
with the obvious interpretations when
pointer(j) < 1 or length(meshsites) < pointer(j) + 1
Specifically, having pointer(j) < 1
then corresponds to
having sites(j)
strictly to the left of
, while having length(meshsites) <
then corresponds to having sites(j)
at, or to the right of, meshsites(end)
The statement
sorted([1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3],[0:4])
will generate the output 0 3 5 8 8
, as will the statement
sorted([3 2 1 1 3 2 3 1],[2 3 0 4 1])
The indexing output from sort([meshsites(:).',sites(:).'])